ALABAMA Huntsville Mercury Banner: Tuesday, April 16, 1912 AGED LADY DIES AT OWENS X ROADS Mrs. SUSAN E. MARTIN, one of the oldest residents of Madison County died last night at 11 o'clock at the home of Mrs. THOMAS MCKELVEY at Owens X Roads. Old age was the cause of her death. She was a sister- in-law of Mrs. SARAH PEEVEY of Huntsville. She was known to many of the older citizens of Madison County and was held in high esteem. The funeral will be conducted tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in Maple Hill Cemetery. *Note: Mrs. Susan E. Martin was Susan E. Peevey, daughter of Wade H. Peevey & Jane Armstrong Childress Peevey..... Front Page-Huntsville Daily Times-January 10, 1930 AGED LADY OF CITY IS DEAD MRS. SARAH J. PEEVEY PASSED AWAY AFTER A LONG ILLNESS THIS AFTERNOON. MRS. SARAH PEEVEY, one of the oldest residents of Huntsville and for many years a prominent figure in the social, church and patrotic affairs of this city, died this afternoon at 3:20 o'clock at her home on West Clinton after a long illness. She had been in declining health a long time due to her advanced age-ninety-three years. News of her death will be received with universal regret throughout the city and county. Mrs. Peevey is survived by a son Capt. Hinds M. Peevey, well known mining engineer of Barkersburgh, W.Va. and a daughter Miss hattie Peevey of Huntsville. Capt. Peevey had been attending the bedside of his mother until a few days ago when her condition improved to such an extent that he thought it safe for him to return home. Arrangements for the funeral will not be completed until the son's return. *Note: Mrs. Sarah Peevey was the wife Of Capt. Leroy M. Peevey District Attorney of Huntsville. ARKANSAS Arkansas Banner: December 18, 1844 Departed this life, on the 4th day of December, A.D., 1844, at his residence in Yell County, Arkansas, Mr. DIAL PEEVEY, SEN., at the advanced age of 80 years, after an illness of several weeks. The subject of this brief notice was born in the State of North Carolina, and was a soldier in the Revolution. He moved to Madison County, Alabama, at an early day, and resided there for a long time before emigrating to Arkansas. He has left a large family of children and grand children, to mourn his departure. His whole life has been that of an honest man.--There is no one that can point at him and say, that he has ever defrauded or injured any one. He has gone to reap his just reward. Peace to his memory. W. TEXAS Waco Times Herald, Monday, April 02, 1928 Funeral services for John C. Peevey, 89, of Lott are to be held in Marlin at 3 p.m. Monday with Rev. J.W. Bridges of Lott officiating. Mr. Peevey died Sunday noon and is survived by two sons, H.C. Peevey of Waco and Boss Peevey of Lott; four daughters, Mesdames R.B. and W.B. Walker, E.A. Landrum of Satin; C.E. Newton of Wichita Falls. Pallbearers are R.W. Walker, W.B. Walker, C.E. Newton, E.A. Landrum, son-in-law of Mr. Peevey, John and Perry Tomlinson, W.E. Shankle, John Bloxom, relatives. *Note: John Calhoun Peevey was the son of Robert W. Peevey of Madison County Alabama.