Enjoy the theme from "Titanic" while you visit.... This award will be given to those sites which display the true spirt of genealogy... freely giving information and assisting other genealogists in their quest for ancestors.... Winner's awards will look like this with the name of their website on it Size has nothing to do with the qualifications for winning this award... There are many small sites that heretofar have gone unnoticed and unrewarded Quietly supplying information and help to their fellow genealogists.... Guidelines for winning this award are simple You must have a Medlin Website Links must be easy to follow Informative Content Good Presentation Site must be "Family Friendly" WINNERS OF THE MEDLIN GENEALOGY AWARD OF EXCELLENCE 1999: WELCOME MEDLIN DESCENDANTS If you wish to apply for this award...please mail Site's name, URL, your email address and reasons you feel your site should win.... mccoys2@mcia.com You are Visitor # since September 5, 1999. The Medlin Family
Enjoy the theme from "Titanic" while you visit....
This award will be given to those sites which display the true spirt of genealogy... freely giving information and assisting other genealogists in their quest for ancestors....
Winner's awards will look like this with the name of their website on it
Size has nothing to do with the qualifications for winning this award... There are many small sites that heretofar have gone unnoticed and unrewarded Quietly supplying information and help to their fellow genealogists....
Guidelines for winning this award are simple
You must have a Medlin Website
Links must be easy to follow
Informative Content
Good Presentation
Site must be "Family Friendly"
If you wish to apply for this award...please mail Site's name, URL, your email address and reasons you feel your site should win....
You are Visitor # since September 5, 1999.